TRAVELER - from “Traveler” by Christopher Peacock (PS-9022)
MY BEAUTIFUL GYPSY - from “My Beautiful Gypsy” by Paul Cypress and Manose
Singh (PS-9030)
WHEN DREAMS COME TRUE - from “My Heart is Home” by Richard Palalay
SUEñO DE SAN JUAN - from “Suite Dreams” by Christopher Peacock and Gene
Nery (PS-9004)
COLORS OF KATMANDU - from “My Beautiful Gypsy” by Paul Cypress and Manose
Singh (PS-9030)
PASSAGES - from “Destination” by Christopher Peacock and Gene Nery
PASSION SWEET - from “My Heart is Home” by Richard Palalay (PS-9003)
CARMEN'S DANCE - from “An Opera Martini” by Manfred (PS-9017)
VENEZIA - from “Destination” by Christopher Peacock and Gene Nery
KUMBAYA - from “For the Beauty of the Earth” by Eric Daub (PS-9021)
CONDADO BEACH - from “Destination” by Christopher Peacock and Gene Nery
ZULFA'S DANCE - from “My Beautiful Gypsy” by Paul Cypress and Manose Singh